Perfectionism is so hard.
Underneath it is fear. The fear to be seen or to mess up; but if we stay stuck we aren’t moving forward. We aren’t achieving our dreams and we aren’t living our life as who we are.
It's okay to let yourself shine 🌟
I hope these affirmations, cord cutting and energy clearing help you take your next steps 💜
You are loved, and you deserve your dreams 🩷
00:00 Intro and setting the intention
00:38 Lighting incense
01:50 Smoke cleanse with feather
04:06 Buckwheat pillow to break up stuck energy
05:48 Purple glass spray
07:39 Cord cutting
17:35 White fluffy brushes
20:52 Color therapy
21:24 Orange
22:02 Green
22:33 Blue
22:57 Pink
23:35 Purple
24:17 Energy sealing spray - Refreshing Tangerine and Grapefruit
Sweet dreams love 🩵
If you’d like to support my late-night editing sessions you can send me little coffee cups here
Music from Epidemic Sound
Doorway of Light by Ecovillage
Medical Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional. This video is created for relaxation, entertainment and ASMR/tingles inducing purposes only.
This video cannot replace any medication or professional treatment. If you have any health conditions please consult your health-care provider.
I do not make videos outside of what I post on my YouTube channels. I am always open to advice and ideas but I do not make videos for private sale.
asmr affirmations asmr energy work cutting cords relaxation Sleep Aid slow asmr