🇬🇧 Hello Darling! In this video, You are a beautiful alien that has crash landed on earth, and I will be taking care of you with a few non invasive tests. This is the first video filmed with my new microphones, and the first of a new series. Please wear headphones and enjoy!💓
🇮🇹Ciao Tesoro! In questo video in lingua inglese tu sei un alieno che è precipitato sul nostro pianeta, e io mi prenderò cura di te con dei test non invasivi. Questo è il primo video filmato con i nuovi microfoni ed il primo di una nuova serie. Per favore, indossa le cuffie e buona visione! 💓
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alien check up asmr alien doctor role play alien exam asmr ASMR Role Play asmr roleplay aliens asmr you are an alien medical examination role play role play alien Role Play Doctor role play transforming into an alien role playing role playing alien role playing asmr sci fi role play scientist role play soft spoken Soft spoken for relaxation test subject role play tests on you role play you are an alien asmr you are an alien role play