Why I don't take requests

ASMR by the Real Doctor Rogue
Publicado hace 4 años

A dark conversation and channel update. I just want to be open and honest with you guys about why I really only take requests from Patrons.

1. I have some painful mental illness, severe enough that I have been hospitalized, triggered by certain scenarios. (Hence why I put off the self physical exam so long; explained in video) You don't really want me hyperventilating in the closet in front of a camera for an hour. Not fun.

2. I have to guard what I do professionally, as making ASMR videos at all puts me at more risk than other YtErs because of my medical license; I have to be careful how I represent myself. (Hence why I didn't do the full on evil doctor steals your organs request, which really mocks the very serious evils many physicians are still involved in today; also why certain surgical and mental illness requests I have not done, because I would be misrepresenting my expertise)

3. I am losing my ability to work as my health fades, so to support myself I have to prioritize paying viewers. Services exchanged for money is a reasonable foundation to human economy, and it is my duty as a woman to take care of my family. Hence, patrons can expect requests.

4. I don't want to disappoint you when I end up doing your request "wrong." Already got yelled at for not striking matches right in a request, and I just can't really be whatever it is you want me to be. I can only be me.

And, most importantly,

5. I am saving up for a jungle clinic to help the poor in Paraguay. Maybe I'm a dick, but I won't apologize for trying to take money to buy medications for people who have so little. I've had a couple of people hate on me for this, and honey, if you think I should not be hunting money to help my friends, then you can leave. I don't want your subscription and I don't want your views. You are loved, and you matter, but you will never be happy here. I am doing this. You are welcome to join me at patreon.com/becominghero or in more direct ways at byjenfinelli.com (click on build a jungle clinic); when it comes to Paraguay, you can lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.

I hope that clears things up! Real video should be up soon. : ) This is just an update.

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