Inaudible breathy whispering and loud tongue flutters w mouth sounds and hand movements WOO
IM BACK BOTCHES hope yall are well 💜💜 Sorry for the slight breaths, i tried to cut out any background noise and hard breathing (i thought i was doing good!!). At my aunts rn so hope you guys like the temporary set up sorry if it aint the best
Please enjoy, constructive criticism always welcome
0:00 hello
1:17 inaudible w tongue flutters
8:15 tongue flutters
9:25 inaudible w tongue flutters
12:22 bye bye
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P.s LOL i look kinda creepy in the thumbnail
asmr Fast and aggressive inaudible fast inaudible fast tongue flutters Fast unintelligible gentle hand movements hand movements inaudible mouth sounds slow hand movements tongue flutters tongue movements tongue sounds unintelligible wet mouth sounds