Raising Your Vibration to Raise Collective✨🌍(Reiki ASMR)

Cosmic Whispers ASMR
Publicado hace 3 meses

Raising Your Vibration to Raise Collective. In this distant Reiki session I will be sending Reiki to help heal your needs, align chakra and balance, provide comfort and healing, use high vibrational crystals to assist in raising your vibration and to absorb its benefits, use Selenite wand to cleanse your aura, sage spray, candle, fire, meditation music, use Reiki symbols, and speak in a soft spoken voice. Many blessings to you all!

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💙Spiritual Book💙
Awakening the Light Within You
https://www.amazon.com/Awakening-Light-Within-Kyle-Mosier/dp/B0CZRQKRT2/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VVDVPTYQ3SH6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.16DHq15NWmmzg9wZ8nr6Ww.bsoOETp_bFdRL_OGxn1SAoD5xe2- J9XU7AX_B5JYb68&dib_tag=se&keywords=awakening+the+light+within+you+kyle+mosier&qid=1712953858&sprefix=awakening+the+light+within+you+kyle+mosier%2Caps%2C259&sr=8-1

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Website: https://www.cosmicmysticalhealing.com/
Cosmic Whispers: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdSDlrd_4j24-R5q-30KucQ
Mosier ASMR: https://www.youtube.com/@MosierASMR

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Audio Books: https://www.audible.com/search?searchAuthor=Kyle+Mosier
Merchandise: https://www.redbubble.com/people/kmosier93/explore?asc=u&page=1&sortOrder=recent

💛About Me💛

I'm Reiki Master Kyle Mosier here to help make a difference. I am a student of Psychic Medium Kelli Miller. I have taken her entire Enlightenment Academy courses and Reiki classes. I share distant Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy) and crystal energy with a combination of ASMR to disconnect from the outside world to deepen your relaxation. The sessions I offer will provide healing to mind, body, & soul. Help you relax, have better sleep, remove pain or grief, provide emotional and physical healing, feel loved, and together change our reality. To book a distant Reiki session with me, go to my website https://www.cosmicmysticalhealing.com/. I also recommend reading my book for more spiritual awareness called Awakening the Light Within You. I am grateful for your lovely comments, likes, and subscribers! This is such a beautiful community here and I appreciate all of you! Thank you so much for being here!🩷

❤️ New video every Friday at 1pm PST❤️


asmr energy cleanse asmr reiki asmr reiki healing aura cleanse chakra balance chakra cleanse cosmic whispers asmr distance healing session Distant Reiki energy healing energy work full body POV full energy & chakra healing Kyle Mosier negative energy removal Raising Your Vibration to Raise Collective Reiki ASMR reiki for love reiki for sleep Reiki full body POV reiki hand movements reiki healer reiki master reiki practitioner reiki to calm mind

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