Hello and welcome (back) to my channel, sleepies! ♡
I create Christian based ASMR videos to help you relax or fall asleep :)
Today we will be reading through the book of James in the Bible.
ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, and can be described as a "tingly" or relaxing feeling beginning at the scalp and moving down the back of the neck and spine.
Please note I often share my own thoughts and beliefs as I read through the bible - however, I do not have any official biblical teaching background. My hope is that you choose to dive deeper into the bible yourself and ask God to reveal His truth to you.
**I welcome all comments and feedback - as long as they are respectful. I would like to keep this a safe space for relaxation, encouragement, and community. I'm glad you're here, stay awhile ;)
#asmr #christianasmr #biblereading
asmr Bible Reading christian asmr