🌀 Iyi aksamlar guzel insanlar! Anlasilmayan fisiltinin Turkcesi onceden istenmisti, bu aksam onu paylasmaya karar verdim. Umarim begenirsiniz. Soylediklerim cok sessiz oldugu icin pek birsey anlasilmayacak fakat cogu yerde anlamli ve Turkce seyler soyledim! Tatli Ruyalar :)
🌀 Hello beautiful! I've recently seen that my latest video in Turkish helped a lot of you relax and ease anxiety. Tonight, I decided to upload an Unintelligible Whisper in Turkish, where I speak words that are in Turkish but really quiet! Hope you enjoy this Ear to Ear experience.
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instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vortexasmr/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nihat-Erdenay-145607765502768/
twitter: https://twitter.com/nihaterdenay
snapchat: xxroarxxroarxx
A HUGE Thank you to my Amazing Patrons:
SmoothMovements ASMR (Jayden)
Arlene O
William T
Emily W
Tee Jay
Anouk B
Johnny P
Elision ASMR
asmr asmr inaudible asmr inaudible whisper asmr male asmr quiet whisper ASMR sleep asmr sleep relaxation asmr turkish asmr unintelligible whisper ASMR whisper asmr whisper ear to ear asmr whisper male asmr whisper sleep sleep türkçe asmr türkçe asmr erkek türkçe asmr fısıltı türkçe asmr uyku turkey uyku meditasyonu vortex asmr