ASMR Measuring You // Up-Close Personal Attention & Breathy Whispers

Franchesca Whispers ASMR
Publicado hace 4 años

Hi everybody! In this ASMR measuring you role play, featured are measuring you with a ruler, tingly questions, overview of the clothing design organization, up-close breathy whispers, personal attention, fabrics and material sounds, and wooden ruler tapping sounds. Comment down below some AWESOME video requests/role plays for the future. Thank you all for your love & support! Please subscribe if you enjoy my content.

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For more ASMR phenomenon details please see the link below
(What Is ASMR?)


asmr bitchy girlfriend ASMR Bitchy Girlfriend Tailor asmr breathy whispers asmr camera stroking for bed ASMR Clothing Designer Role Play asmr fabrics ASMR Girlfriend measures you asmr girlfriend personal attention asmr girlfriend roleplay asmr measuring you ASMR Measuring You Up-close ASMR Professional Men's Tailor ASMR Suit Fitting Tailor ASMR Suit Tailor Roleplay asmr tailor role play asmr upclose whispering girlfriend roleplay sassy girlfriend gives tingles

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