ASMR ~ 1 Hour of Light Rain (relaxing, rain on roof/near window, no talking)

Publicado hace 7 años

Hi Cuties! So about 2 weeks ago or so, we FINALLY got some rain in California, in the area that i live at least and I was so happy about it! Since it was raining I decided to get my mic out and record the sound of the rain. This is just some relaxing light pouring on roof/near my window rain lol, hence why i called it Light Rain, I was recording this around like midnight until my computer died sadly so i really only got like 30 minutes of it & had to edit out cars and any other noises. The clip/video/visual you see is something i recorded on my phone! I also have another one coming up with extremely loud heavy rain recorded like 5 in the morning because it woke me up. Will have that up some time next week. :)

Hope you enjoy this! I made it loop for about an hour. :)

I think for fun I am going to try recording on my phone tonight for a second Q&A video and see how that goes for a change! :)

Love you guys :DD *HUGS*

Note: Hey! I want to let you know that I do live near a busy street and it is very difficult to film without getting a car or plane noise in the audio/background. I do my best to avoid those sounds by filming at night and editing it out but some sounds still do get in! Just want to let you know!

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amsrrose asmr brushing care caring fun happy love Nurse Pay personal positive relaxing role roseamsr477 roseasmr safe slime SMILES tapping tingles

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