Greeting friend, how was your holiday? Still holding out and going strong-ish? :p
I'm sooo proud of you for pushing through all the hectic chaos, you did amazing! ^-^
That being said, I know at least MY mind has been here, and there, and everywhere, causing me to be really antsy.
Allow this time and space for you to sit back, nap, sleep, or just relax and receive this act of energy work, wherever you happen to need it most.
With lots of love and gratitude to you all. 🥰
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional nor do I diagnose anyone with anything or claim to cure any dis-ease. Reiki is an energy healing modality that uses one's hands to channel intelligent Universal Life Force Energy into your energetic system to promote self-healing and relaxation. Reiki should NEVER replace medical attention but can be used alongside to promote a faster recovery process.
asmr asmr personal attention asmr reiki Distant Reiki energy healing Meditation personal attention Personal Attention ASMR reiki healing wellness