ASMR| Doing My Makeup/ Tingly Close Whisper

Publicado hace 4 años

There are heavy hearts across the world at this time, and I hope this video can bring you validation, comfort, a sense of safety, and a space to just be and come as you are.
(I haven't been feeling well at all, as of recently. If this video feels "off", I'm just fatigued and have a bit of brain fog).
Today’s video is another one of my monthly makeup application videos.
Including close up whisper rambling while applying my makeup, hand movements, brushing, tracing, tapping, repeating words, and words of self love for you all.💕
(Blue Yeti mic)

*****🌟🌟Business email: [email protected]
****🌟INSTAGRAM: graceasmr

ASMR has played such a consistent, important role in my life as I continue to take this journey of self love, and healing. I hope I can spark the light for your heart/ mind and to be gentle to your being. This is OUR journey. Tingle away, and remember you're worthy of all!💕💕

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