(ENG SUB) Little Women 'Jo March' ASMR 📖🖋💛

Judy asmr
Publicado hace 5 años

Hello, This is Judyasmr.
I watched the movie 'Little Women’. and I was Inspired by the characters of four sisters, so I made ASMR. This ASMR will be produced in a four-part series.
I'm going to make a video of the most inspired part of each character.
'Jo March' is a roleplay ASMR consisting mainly of talking, writing, and book reading.
of course add acting.
I hope you can feel the beautiful and warm feeling I felt while watching the movie.
and also I think you have a question about makeup.
Next, the makeup tutorial video will be uploaded. Please wait a little longer. :)
and There is costume info below.
*I've been putting up Korean and English subtitle myself, but the rest of the languages are written using Google Translator because there are many requests for subtitles from foreign subscribers, but there are no people who volunteer for community subtitles. I think there will be a lot of mistakes using the translator. It's because I used a translator, so please keep that in mind!

[Costume info]
- Hair Wig : Pinkage Wig
- https://bit.ly/2SDZHNN
- Blouse : Zara
- Jacket : Vintage
- Hat : Zara
- Muffler : Online shop

🗣 Help for Subtitle link (자막) : http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UCRUb1Iq2qbcmvt7AWdW8wjA&tab=2

💛 Link to join membership (멤버십 가입) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUb1Iq2qbcmvt7AWdW8wjA/join

🎁 Donation link (채널 후원) : https://toon.at/donate/636716481331161857

📹 VLOG : https://www.youtube.com/c/Judylog주디로그
📱INSTAGRAM : @judyasmr
📩 BUSINESS E-MAIL : [email protected]


acting asmr asmr book reading asmr eng sub english asmr jo march korean asmr little women little women asmr movie asmr story asmr talking asmr whispering 音フェチ

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