ASMR - Pokemon Trigger Words - Second Generation 🐛

Publicado hace 3 años

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Hi everyone!

Today I'm looking into the second generation Pokemons for some nice ASMR trigger words ( in French and English). It's also a nice way to teach you a few words of French if you are interested in learning it! I got so many comments on the first generation video for a part two so here it finally is!
The ASMR triggers you will encounter are: up close, ear to ear soft-spoken in French and English, and word repetition.

0:00 : Intro
2:14 : 152 to 201 (Chikorita to Unown)
34:40 : 202 to 251 (Wobbuffet to Celebi)
57:17 : Outro

All rights reserved to Nintendo for the Pokemon names and drawings.

Thank you to Poképédia for listing the resources used to make this video (list of Pokemons, drawings, name etymology):
I didn't detail the words behind every single Pokemon name, you will find more information over there for those I didn't talk about.
Finally, a HUGE thank you to Lysella for helping me with the editing for the first time for this video. I didn't have the courage in me to make it sooner because of all the heavy editing needed to add all the text and images; this video couldn't have been made without her help.

Here is the link the video first generation video :

As I have been a full-time ASMRtist for over two years now, I mostly rely on my videos to earn a living so any help is welcome. Whether it’s subscribing to my channel, watching my videos, liking them, commenting, supporting me on Patreon, I really appreciate you no matter how you choose to support me. You can find all my links here:​

Don't hesitate to follow me on Twitter and Instagram and on other social media platforms to be updated on video recordings, live streams, and everything behind the scenes!

#ASMR​​ #TriggerWords​​ #Pokemon

Thank you for watching the video and for reading the description! Take care,


asmr asmr ear to ear asmr noms pokémon asmr pokemon asmr pokemon names asmr pokemon trigger words asmr pokemons ASMR trigger asmr trigger word ASMR Trigger Words childhood asmr french asmr nostalgic asmr pokemon go repetition asmr soft spoken trigger words

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