Hi everyone! Today's video is full of triggers you all asked for and suggested. I hope they give you all of the tingles and relaxation to help you fall asleep!
00:00 Intro
00:15 Preview
04:52 Intro
05:28 Fingertip tapping on foam burrito
09:28 Biting glass vial
13:10 Paper towel roll triggers
17:24 Hand sounds
21:32 Aggressive camera brushing
23:51 Camera brushing with mic brushing
27:55 Heart popping fidget toy
32:20 Tracing book cover with pen
36:31 Invisible triggers
40:29 Mic rubbing without cover
44:18 Mic cover swirling
47:59 Mic rubbing with cover
51:38 Mic scratching with cover
55:14 Mic scratching without cover
59:11 Shower scrubber on sponge
01:03:16 Aggressive scratching on objects and fabric
01:07:19 Aggressive trigger words with visual triggers
01:11:19 Soft whispers with surprising loud whispers and nail scratching
01:13:50 Mic rubbing with cover and mirroring hand movements
01:16:00 Mic rubbing mirroring hand movements without cover
01:17:51 Brushing different objects
01:21:56 Keyboard clicking and typing
01:25:45 Setting and breaking the pattern
01:29:43 Hand movements, whispering "go to sleep" and face touching
01:33:52 Brushing my own face with makeup brush using silly whisper voices
01:38:18 Cupped unintelligible whispers
01:41:47 Beads in hands and on mic
01:46:02 Aggressive lotion sounds
01:49:42 Outro
Enjoy :)
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