Hello there!
My name is Lua and welcome to my channel! Thank you so much for being here, you are very important to me!
In this video I'll help you relax and sleep with lots of personal attention, binaural sounds, hand movements, guided meditation, playing with your hair and reading to you until you fall asleep!
If you like this video make sure to hit "like" and subscribe for more!
Have a good night!
asmrroleplay personalattention asmr ASMRBINAURAL ASMRBR asmrbrasil asmrbrasileiro Asmrbrazil asmrcaseiro asmrcinematic Asmrenglish asmrportugues asmrportuguesbrasileiro asmrspa barulhosrelaxantes barulinhosparadormir binauralparadormir handmovements massagemfacial paradormir pararelaxar playingwithyourhair ReadingASMR roleplayrelaxante roleplayspa sombinaural sonsemcamadas soundforsleep spafacialasmr sussurros sussurrosnoouvido tosleep whispers whispertoyourear