Welcome back to my channel everyone! If you're new here or returning, I hope you stick around, and know that I am EXTREMELY humbled to have you here.
Today's video has been long overdue but there has been an extreme amount of stress and issues being solved in my life at the moment. But we're all good so LETS DO THIS ahah.
In this Roleplay, I'll be meeting you at my office (although we could have met at the house!), because you've encountered a bullying situation and needed someone to talk to immediately. Forgive being without makeup, I'm wanting to help and rushed out of bed! Let's clean you up and talk for a bit, you can sleep on the couch. Let's get you relaxed. I may legally be your counselor but I am also your friend. Something ALL counselors should be. We are all going through something. So let's be there for each OTHER.
Let me know what all of you think, and I will see you in tomorrow's video!!! I love you with everything inside.
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So.. I'm going to be releasing a video (more than likely before this so I should be writing this a while ago lol!) on the Patreon I had just launched. Due to recent changes in revenue on YouTube, I may not be able to support the lifestyle of daily uploads and being with all of you daily. This is what I do for a living, and if revenue is continuously decreasing this way, I will no longer be able to do this often. If you'd like to check out my Patreon and consider becoming a supporter, my page is:
REMEMBER.. my content will ALWAYS be free. This is a mean of support that can help me keep my content up daily. I would like to see where this goes ❤️
*** YouTube is cutting ad revenue, as many of you know this is what I do for a living. I will NEVER ask you to donate, although I do post my PayPal for those who would like to contribute,([email protected]), or my PATREON, listed above in the main description. Know that my content will ALWAYS be free, this is a means of support if wanted. xo ***
*** MY NEW SIDE CHANNEL, "Karuna Satori BASIC" ***
(Conspiracies, Storytimes, Daily Life & More):
WISHLIST LINK (For home & babies, originally a Christmas Wishlist but keeping it up for now):
(Helps keep my channel alive, and me alive):
[email protected]
Social Media:
Facebook: "Karuna Daniel" (FOLLOW ONLY PLEASE)
SNAPCHAT: "KarunaASMRtist"
IG: @_karunasatoriasmr
[email protected]
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