Welcome back to my channel family or welcome if you’re new. I hope to relax, calm, and/or comfort you with this video tonight. Know that I’m always thinking of each and everyone of you ♥️
Today’s video includes controller sounds and whispered rambles. The controllers I used are Xbox 360, PS4, Nintendo Switch, N64, a random WII controller I found and a purple see through game boy color as a bonus 😹
✨Connect With Me✨
ASMR IG: 🎙 @beheremeowwasmr
Main IG: 🌱 @beheremeoww444
Snapchat: 👻 @beheremeowwasmr
ASMR is something I’m extremely passionate about and is very important to me, just like each and everyone of you. Thank you always for watching this video & supporting me. It means more than you know ♥️ I’ll see you all in the next video, Goodnight 🌙
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