NOT THE DANIEL FROM CYNDAGO. My Dan was very special to me, and I wish people wouldn't just assume it's someone else.
I've been putting off this video for awhile because I have been really having a difficult time getting enough energy to make this, and plus I know a lot of you don't like "bummer" videos, but I felt the need to make this.
My best friend Daniel passed away suddenly a few days after my birthday and after that last video I made. I have been having a very hard time dealing with it as he was the closest person to me, and I have a hard time making friends. I created this flower arrangement in remembrance of him out of faux flowers. Even the dog is made of flowers.
I chose to make a dog because Dan and I had an inside joke that he was a dog. We had a weird language we would speak that only we understood. So, because I love and miss him, I wanted to show you what I made for him and how much he meant to me. Sorry if this is too sad for ASMR, but it is what it is, and I wanted to create something for my friend who meant a lot to me. He was the most unique and genuine human being I have ever met.
3D Sound asmr Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response binaural crinkle crinkles crinklin crinkling crinkly crunch crunches crunching crunchy dog dog flowers ear to ear fingers flowers gentle hand hands insomnia relax relaxation relaxing sleep Sleep Aid sleepy soothing sound sounds stereo touching