A few of you requested a sketching video and since my next couple videos are going to be a couple higher production projects (that I'm not quite ready to make yet), I decided I would put one together focusing mostly on sounds. Writing and sketching sounds are some of my favorites.
*** For those of you who look for no-talking ASMR and strongly dislike talking, I do say a couple of words here and there (just a few random 'okay's') but for the most part, this is a no-talking video. So, just be aware if any sort of whispering whatsoever irritates you. :P
I have 3 videos coming up over the next couple of weeks; a medical video that a lot of you have requested, some video game cosplay and another psych video for a Patreon subscriber. My channel may be a little quieter for a couple of weeks in terms of new uploads as I focus on putting these together.
(BTW, I know I've done a few green screen videos lately. It's good practice... but it's not going to be an 'all the time' thing. I'm just trying to get comfortable with it before I start working on a new collaborative video with another ASMRtist!)
Find me!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/crinkleluvinASMR (I suck at posting on here)
Insta/Twitter: @CrinkleLuvin
Patreon: www.patreon.com/crinkleluvinasmr
E-mail: [email protected]
asmr asmr artist asmr drawing asmr sketching asmr sketching you asmr tapping asmr writing binaural crinkle luvin asmr drawing sounds ear to ear no talking role play writing sounds