40 min ear to ear sensitive whispering for relaxation/falling asleep, followed with comforting smoochies... xoxo
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My Single "Toy" 🎵✨
Youtube: https://youtu.be/68mWpIey_Rg
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3qp5VODXEYBvUM2Lbf9P8D
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/toy-single/1499206662
Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/NihatErdenay
Further Links
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nihat-Erdenay-145607765502768/
snapchat: xxroarxxroarxx
00:00 Hello :)
01:45 Inaudible/Unintelligible Whisper
17:43 Inaudible/Unintelligible Whisper + Bedtime Kisses
#inaudiblewhispering #unintelligiblewhisper #asmr #inaudiblewhispers #inaudiblewhispers #inaudiblewhisper
asmr asmr inaudible asmr inaudible mouth sounds asmr inaudible unintelligible asmr inaudible unintelligible whisper asmr inaudible whisper ASMR Kisses asmr male kissing breathing asmr male whisper asmr mouth sounds asmr mouth sounds sleep asmr mouth sounds tascam asmr unintelligible asmr unintelligible whisper asmr whisper ear to ear asmr whisper inaudible asmr whispering unintelligible unintelligible asmr unintelligible whisper unintelligible whisper asmr