DB - ASMR- Bulma takes CARE of YOU after you've destroyed the GRAVITY ROOM! DRAGON BALL role PLay

Pelagea ASMR
Publicado hace 6 años

This video is very important to me! I want it to be a cute experience for all DB fans. I remember how many happy feelings I had watching these series and how much I waited for the new ones! So I want this video to remember on some of this! I thoght for quite a while what I could do and ended up with this very classic scene I guess but it fits to ASMR :D I made a quite few changes to the original because I wanted to include some more classic DB stuff. It doesn't look very professional though since I made all these things myself. Unfortuenetally I was very distarcted by my own english skills and it was so difficult for me to reord this video! This is why some Items come shorter then I intended them to be! But that is ok. I will use them again in an second video with DB trigger words. So when you have request tell them and I will pick a few. Since the vieos doesn't have to be for ever I can't promise I will use them all but maybe the most asked for example. And a few more special too? I will see :D
P.S.: That black thing is the backgrund is a small easteregg for those who recognize it :D


asmr care DB dbz dragon ball relaxation

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