Leah Remini threatened to call the cops about 'disappearance' of Scientology leader's wife Video Discussion With Jessica Kardashian!
Leah Remini confirmed Thursday that she has left the Church of Scientology Because Of Questioning "King of Queens" star's concern over Miscavige's wife named Shelly who help Tom Cruise With Matching Him With Katie Holmes !!! Well Shelly has reportedly not been seen in public since 2006 which is crazy Leah Remini threatened to call the police after she failed to get answers regarding Shelly Because Leah Is worried which again is perfectly normal! well I'm Jess Thanks for watching my news show be sure to check out the article below for full details! xo hugs and smiles!
Link: http://www.allovernews.net/news/leah-remini-threatened-to-call-the-cops-about-disappearance-of-scientology-leaders-wife
Actress celebrity Celebrity News Church Church of Scientology entertainment hollywood hollywood news leah Leah Remini Leah Remini Confirmes Leaving Scientology Leah Remini Confirms Leah Remini Interview leah remini news leah remini news 2013 Leah Remini Scientologist Leah Remini Scientology leah remini scientology 2012 leah remini scientology email News remini Scientology scientology leah remini star