ASMR *Emergency Haircut* Trimming Bangs/ Top of the Head, SHAPE UP, Face Brushing + Hair Styling 😬

Publicado hace 6 años

(HEADS UP: The first 3 snips are harsher than the rest, sorry! But it’s smooth sailing from there! Also, sorry for the background noise .. my neighbor was working on cars.) Helloooooooo, can you see me with all that hurrr?? Time for a trim, bangs and all, a shape up and hair styling how you like it! ;) Looking fresh on a Friday owwwww lmaoo .. I plan on re-doing this with my yeti once my face heals and making sure I'm not off center ugh! Anyways, I hope you enjoy the silly video!! Have a great Friday and enjoy your weekend everyone! :D

Let's keep in touch!!
Email: [email protected]

What is ASMR???
Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is an experience characterized by a tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. Low-grade euphoria: a combination of positive feelings and a distinct static-like tingling sensation on the skin. -Wikipedia

After discovering ASMR and greatly benefiting from the amazing, therapeutic content out there, I decided to re-create my own childhood tingles and nostalgia! And I hope that these videos will provide you with the same calm and relaxation I've experienced with ASMR.


asmr camera brushing asmr cutting your bangs asmr cutting your hair asmr cutting your hair role play asmr cutting your hair roleplay ASMR Face Brushing asmr giving you a shape up ASMR Hair Brushing asmr haircut ASMR Haircut Role Play asmr hairstyle asmr hand movements asmr plucking asmr salon roleplay ASMR Scalp Massage asmr shape up asmr spray bottle sounds asmr styling your hair asmr trimming your bangs asmr trimming your hair

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