✨ Hello everyone, welcome back to Nefosky ASMR! ✨
Thank you so much for being here ☀️ I hope you're doing amazing! Today I've invited over a friend you haven't seen before for a real person scalp check, head & neck massage with hair brushing, hair combing and positive intentions all in a soft spoken voice 🌻 Anastasia is a really good friend of mine and I was very happy to spend time with her in such a way and to have been able to offer her a few moments of relaxation on our date. Let me know what you think! 💫
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nefeli.kat/
🌵You being here makes me so happy so don't feel that you have to, but if you feel inclined to further support my channel to grow and build our community, check out my:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nefosky
See you in the next one....N☁️
*None of the items/brands mentioned or shown in this video are through affiliation or sponsorship, simply products I own.
**Disclaimer: This video is intended for relaxation purposes only. Any method, opinions, or advice expressed in my videos is for entertainment purposes and to produce tingles & relaxation through ASMR. I am not a healthcare professional or therapist of any kind, and my videos shouldn’t be seen as an alternative to medicine or professional care. If you feel the need to reach out and talk to someone, please do so through your healthcare provider and stay safe x
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