Hi loves,
Just a little preview of a recent Q&A I did for Patrons! I got a lot of great questions and really enjoyed answering them! The full 52-minute video is available for Patrons now. I hope you enjoy the little crackling fire in the background as well.
Hope you're all doing good,
Lots of love,
Zoe x
I n s t a g r a m:
P a t r e o n:
O n e O f f S u p p o r t 💞:
B u s i n e s s E m a i l 📧:
[email protected]
A b o u t A S M R:
ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, a term coined for the fuzzy or tingly sensation felt in response to certain audio, visual or other sensory stimuli. This sensation tends to start in the scalp but can work it's way down the body, and is associated with a strong feeling of relaxation. These videos are created to try and elicit this response, and also to be relaxing in general.
E q u i p m e n t:
Video - Google Pixel 6a
Audio - Tascam
#asmr #asmrcommunity #asmrvideo #asmrsounds
asmr patreon asmr patreon preview asmr preview asmr q and a asmr q&a patreon preview asmr sounds asmr video zoe esther asmr