*This video contains gently whispered reading and crackling fire sounds starting right around 2:10
Hello there loves!
I hope all of you are doing well!
Unfortunately my family has been feeling really under the weather this past week and now I think I may have caught it too. My apologies for taking a bit longer to post this week but I will do my best to get back on track in the week to come pending this sickness doesn't take me down first.
Stay well! Lots of Love-
Instagram/TikTok @slacken_relax_asmr
**Additional sound effects obtained from www.zapsplat.com
asmrbythefire chapter1throneofglass sarahjmass throneofglass togchapter1 ASMRReading asmrrp fireASMR fireplaceasmr reading ReadingASMR readingtoyouasmr 막걸리 칵테일바 Roleplay|ASMR|족발& 골뱅이무침& 망고