ASMR ❤ 30 Trigger Words! ✨Ear to Ear WHISPERS 💤

Freckle 23 ASMR
Publicado hace 7 años

Hello my friends all over the world! :D Hope you're doing well!
Here is a new ASMR Ear to Ear whispering video with 30 suuuuper tingly trigger words, in 3 languages: English, Italian and Spanish.

In order: Tingles - Rilassati - Sueño - Lovely - Coccole - Feliz - Sweet - Sublime - Tranquilo/a - Perfect - Psichedelico - Duende - Slow/ly - Bolle - Efecto - Chocolate - Cioccolato - Chocolate (esp) - Loop - Dolcezza - Sensibile - Blink - Glicine - Bonito/a - Kiss/sk - Silenzio/Shh - Tiempo - Goodnight - Buonanotte - Buenas noches.

If you have other trigger words to suggest, please leave a comment!

Hope you enjoy and sweet sweet dreams :*

Feel free to add me:
INSTAGRAM: freckle.23

XO -Hily


binaural sounds binaural trigger to sleep blowing air ear eating ear to ear find your trigger oido a oido palabras cosquillosas pamper time pampering you parole rilassanti relaxation scratching soft spoken sounds assortment sussurri take care of you tapping tingles tingly words trigger words visual trigger wet mouth sounds whispering whispers

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