Helpful Tips To Deal With Negative People
1) Don't get into an argument
2) Empathize with them
3) Lend a helping hand
4) Stick to light topics
5) Ignore the negative comments
6) Praise the person for the positive things
7) Hang out in 3′s or more people
8) Be responsible for your reaction
9) Reduce contact with them / Avoid them
If all else fails, reduce contact with them or avoid them altogether. If it's a good friend, let him/her know of the severity of the issue and work it out where possible. It's not healthy to spend too much time with people who drain you. Your time is precious, so spend it with people who have positive effects on you. !!!! LAST STEP IS AWESOME TRUST ME IT REALLY WORKS! :)
negativity how to deal with how to deal with negativity jessica kardashian