holiday sleepy time

Blissful Tingles
Publicado hace 2 meses

Welcome backkkkkk it's getting close to the holidays so instead of reading our regular stories, I was thinking Santa? ♥️ 🌲 🤶🏼

OH! welcome in the newest members to our channel: Petr K and PJ Shapiro!
Thank you so much for supporting

Perks of being a member:
Early access to vids
Priority in reply’s
1 members only video posted each week
Custom Brandy emotes and badges!

Wanna join??

I do write my own scrips/story lines. So if you have any ideas of things to say or do and make this a better experience for you ~ Please lemme know. I read to every comment and try my best 💖
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I love you

Do you ALSO like Poke cards, Fast Cars and Yummy Cooking? Please please please check out my other channel @BrandysASMRGarage - its a NEW channel where I will be posting 2/3 times a week ASMR STYLE ♥️

please check out my link tree 👀

and (holiday gifts) I have a wonderful amazon wish list 👀

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