ASMR Page Turning | Ripping | Cutting | Newspaper And Mags

Publicado hace 10 meses

Hello and welcome to Gemmas_asmr channel. I have put together newspaper and magazines for page turn, ripping pages and cutting pages with scissors. Using a light to circle words and shine over the pages and also using a pointer stick to circle words for sounds and visual affects. I will also be reading out parts of the pages and articles for whispering. You are stressed and have had a bad day so i am here to make it all better for you and take away your worrys and thoughts to help you sleep and stay asleep calming you relaxing and keeping you at peace. I hope you enjoy it, and please don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe.

What is ASMR?

Disclaimer: *** This video is created for entertainment purposes only and can not replace any medication, professional treatment, or therapy. If you have sleep/anxiety/psychological troubles, please consult your physician first.

#asmr #4u #satisfying #tingles #viral #shivers #visualtriggers #handmovements #handtriggers #fyp #relaxing #calming #asmrfingerfluttering #pageturning #pageripping #papercutting


asmr page ripping asmr paper ripping asmr relaxing sounds asmr scissors asmr youtube video flipping page sound effect page Page cutting Page ripping sound effect Page Turning ASMR Page turning asmr finger lick page turning sound effect page turning with finger licking asmr paper rip paper ripping asmr paper ripping sound effect paper sounds paper tearing sound effect ripping paper sound effect Sleep ASMR tapping asmr tearing paper turning page sound

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