Hellooo! Welcome to another ear licking video :)
I tried being a little bit softer and more gentle on your ears this time. Let me know what you like and I'll keep the feedback in mind for next time! I'm hoping to upload a twin video.
I also want to take a minute to answer a few of the comments and questions people have left for me since my last ear licking video.
-First of all a big thank you to everyone who has left me a compliment, or a thank you, or anything positive at all, I appreciate every single one and I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to tell me.
-I do love making ear licking videos, it's very relaxing and rewarding to be able to reach so many people with something that I love.
-The ears taste like nothing, they don't have a flavor at all especially because I lick them a lot.
-When I make these videos I try to focus on the sounds and the visuals and not much else- I like to treat it as a meditation.
-There's nothing wrong with me or anyone else who enjoys this kind of ASMR- It's awesome and if you disagree you can look elsewhere for tingles or entertainment or whatever else brought you here.
and one more BIG THANK YOU! Thank you all so much :)
I've been getting into the habit of sharing my videos on Patron before anywhere else. They've had access to this one for a little while now and If early access or extended content sound like things you'd be interested in than feel free to check out my Patreon! (also other links)
Love you all! May you be happy and feel many tingles :)
aftynrose asmr ear kissing ear licking ear licking asmr ear noms ear play eat mouth sounds mouth sounds tongue sounds