#lofiasmr #asmrwhisperedchat #asmrwhisperramble
I have been nominated by the awesome @ASMR Muzz to take part in the wonderful @Karuna Satori ASMR's 5pm Lo-Fi ASMR Challenge. You can find their videos here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOtc2jbzYV0&t=1s - ASMR Muzz
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6R-jQLqvvE&t=253s - Karuna Satori ASMR
I nominate:
@Pandora ASMR
@Alana ASMR
@Scottish Murmurs ASMR
@SleepyKitty ASMR
@Periwinkle Rose ASMR
Only if they'd like to take part!
Creators, all you have to do is pick up your phone at 5pm on any chosen day and shoot a video with no mics, no fancy setups and just using what is around you for 20 minutes. Oh, and no editing allowed! Please nominate 5 other ASMRtists afterwards.
I really enjoyed this lo fi asmr challenge and had fun having this peaceful whispered chat with you in my home. Sadly, it is a wee bit noisy around my house, but I hope you still enjoy this video. Triggers include: hand movements, lo-fi whisper ramble and whispered chit chat with positive thinking.
I'd like to say thank you very much to my amazing patrons for supporting me and connecting with me on my page. Thank you, Scott, Olivier, Henry, Mike, Sethv, Scott, Luke, Ricardo, easyasdoremi, Andrew, Cedric, Artemis, Nick, Benjamin, Mark, Nate, James, Elizabeth, Pete, Giuliano, Tabra, Thomas, Mathew, Peter, Kenneth, Kyle, Kris, Alejandro, Michael, Caleb, JJ, Gerben, Doc, Ron & Alfonso - you guys are great!
Let's connect on Twitter or Instagram: @asmrshortbread
I am on Tingles App with my Scottish ASMR! https://tingles.app.link/ASMRShortbread
Only if you feel you would like to tip or donate: https://paypal.me/asmrshortbread
My Patreon is: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=20816272
通过这个链接你能看我的低语助眠的视频: http://space.bilibili.com/390857962?
Many thanks and much love,
ASMR Shortbread ♥️
Scottish Tingles
- This video is created for relaxation, entertainment and ASMR purposes only. For more information about the autonomous sensory meridian response and the asmr tingles phenomenon please click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_sensory_meridian_response
- This video cannot replace any medication or professional treatment.
asmr asmr in my home asmr in my house asmr karuna satori 5pm challenge asmr karuna satori lofi challenge asmr lofi whisper asmr lofi whisper ramble asmr lofi whispered chit chat asmr peaceful chit chat asmr peaceful whisper asmr peaceful whispered chat asmr positive thinking asmr whisper ramble hand movements asmr whisper ramble positive thinking asmr whispered chit chat lo fi asmr lo fi asmr hand movements lo fi asmr whisper hand movements lofi asmr whisper