Extra special thanks to my patrons Fabio (decathorpe) and Malik Uhuru Zima!!!
you can be cool as them too
Welcome and hello my friends. after a while when microphones decided to die, unlike neighbors, we are back trying our best to get back to work jumping elbow first into the closed fridge hitting pudding covered in cream with ice cream looking at it all not knowing what's happening. Its normal. In such cooking videos like this one we must expect unexpected and avoid expected. That's why yogurt can be only used when cooling down our knees from hard days night chopping trees looking suspiciously same as those pesky neighbors looking at us thru blinds when you decide to do handstand on the street naked. its important for blood flow? or blow flood. its all up to you. turn on softly your metal halide 1500W night stand lamp and with a warm cucumber in your hand wish yourself a good night while turning on this video playing on repeat till you have pickles.
shovel night
whipped cream dream
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asmr asmr whispering easy asmr easyasmr male asmr