✨ Hello everyone, welcome back to Nefosky ASMR! ✨
Thank you so much for being here ☀️ Hope you will enjoy this real person arm massage video today! It's packed with tingly sounds, including arm tracing, dry brushing, soft whispers and of course a moisturising and hydrating massage 💫 It was a real pleasure filming this because I could see how much the person got to relax with it, so I hope it has the same effect on you 🥰
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See you in the next one....N☁️
*None of the items/brands mentioned or shown in this video are through affiliation or sponsorship, simply products I own*
*Disclaimer: This video is intended for relaxation purposes only. Any method, opinions, or advice expressed in my videos is for entertainment purposes and to produce tingles & relaxation through ASMR. I am not a healthcare professional or therapist of any kind, and my videos shouldn’t be seen as an alternative to medicine or professional care. If you feel the need to reach out and talk to someone, please do so through your healthcare provider and stay safe x
asmrtingles asmrtriggers asmrwhispers armmassage ARMTRACING ARMTRACINGASMR asmr asmrbrushing asmrforsleep ASMRHANDMASSAGE asmrmassage ASMRMOISTURIZER BrushingASMR BRUSHINGMASSAGE DRYBRUSHING extremetingles handmassage HANDTRACING massage massageasmr NEFOSKY NEFOSKYASMR realasmr REALPERSON RealPersonASMR REALPERSONMASSAGE REALPERSONMASSAGEASMR REALPERSONTRACING relaxingasmr tracingasmr upcloseasmr UPCLOSETRIGGERS whispers