------------- please enjoy with headphones -----------------
Hello my wonderful friends,
and welcome to our clinic. Last week you were here for an allergy treatment and today I'm going to check if your scalp and neck are alright again. As this is a scalp check with Bad Results (not goog results), I find out, that your scalp and your neck nape still need a special treatment with different tools and medications. But don't worry, I'm going to take care of everything.
After the intro I'm going to inspect your scalp and neck nape in close up perspective.
Beside a lot of different medical instruments and super tingly new tools, there will also be a lot of palpating, breathy whispering, crinkly test paper and crispy scratching sounds💖.
So now let me just take care of you and I hope you can relax. Enjoy the personal attention and the scalp care at our clinic in this medical roleplay. And please like if you like it and if you want to see more, then please subscribe to my channel.
I've disabled all post-roll ads on this video, please let me know if any post roll ads should appear anyway!
I've seen the syringes I use in this video for the first time on Rachel's channel ( @thecozyhospitalasmr ) and I thought they would be great for my medical scalp treatments too. Also if you like medical roleplays please visit Rachel's channel, her medical roleplays are the best!
Lots of love
0:00 Intro with Scalp Scratching
0:47 Scalp Check with Chopsticks
2:25 Close up Perspective
2:26 Parting Hair (Rattail Comb, Clip)
3:41 Combing Knots out
3:56 Scalp Check (Rattail Comb, Nails, Medical Instruments, Wooden Oriculi)
6:24 Scalp Check (Nails, Scratching, Medical Instruments, Crinkly Test Paper, Tweezers)
8:19 Inspecting Neck Nape & Hairline (Nails,Palpating, Oriculi, Medical Instruments)
10:13 Shaving Neck
10:40 Explaining Procedure
11:22 Neck Treatment (Medication, Sponge, Dabbing, Massage)
12:37 Applying tapes on Neck
13:33 Scalp Treatment
13:50 Mixing 2-component medication
14:28 Applying Medication (Syringes)
16:08 Massaging Scalp & Neck with Rose Quartz Wand
16:58 Pinching (Pink Tool)
17:32 Putting on Gloves
17:45 Massage with Fingers & Wand
18:30 Pump Spray & Funnel
19:19 Removing Clips
19:42 Combing Hair
20:04 Pump Spray & Funnel
20:50 Applying Medication with Pipette
22:00 Massage with Gua Sha Comb
23:00 Video repeats in less bright colours with a darkening filter for light-sensitive persons 💖
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Thank you so much for your support! And a special thank you to my dear friend Katrin for all the help 💖
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🎧 Follow me on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2BtMl69A02SiHnGLsdMuV0
Disclaimer: This video is a roleplay created for the purpose of relaxation and entertainment only. It doesn’t contain any medical advice! If you suffer from any medical issues please consult your physician.
asmr bad results brush clinic close up comb crispy doctor doll head female gentle gloves hair hair care hairline instruments kopfhautuntersuchung latex massage medical medical roleplay medizinisch nails Nape neck not good results Nurse palpating paper parting pipette products rat tail rattail real hair relaxing revisión del cuero cabelludo scalp care scalp check scratching slow squeezy syringe thorough tingly tool tools treatment whispered whispering 音フェチ