ASMR - eye exam to fall asleep to - follow the light, color test, attention test

Publicado hace 1 año

Hey! In this video we will do an eye test. Triggers include eye touching, follow the light, a visual attention test and a color test. Hope you'll find it relaxing!

0:00 intro
0:24 putting on gloves
0:45 asking about your symptoms
1:20 feeling around your left eye
2:01 looking at your left eye with a light
2:45 feeling around your right eye
3:18 looking at your left eye with a light
4:25 shining a light in your left eye
4:50 shining a light in your right eye
5:22 back to left eye
6:05 tell me when you can no longer see the light
7:38 follow the light - mr Yellow🙄
8:07 is the light close or far away
9:00 talking about hamsters
9:56 follow the object
10:58 visual attention task
12:00 reading letters - rookie mistake it's mirrored, sorry haha
13:38 what color is the marker
14:45 follow the light
15:06 looking at your left eye up close
15:27 looking at your right eye up close
17:20 applying eye drops to right eye
17:50 applying eye drops to left eye
18:30 dabbing your eyes with a tissue
18:48 outro

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