Minecraft ASMR | Ear to Ear Just Build | LilyGASMR

Publicado hace 4 años

Today I am doing an ear to ear Minecraft Just Build video with some tingly keyboard and mouse sounds! Please let me know if you like gaming videos and I’ll continue with them if you do! :) I’m sorry if this video isn’t the most relaxing, I’m gonna continue working on staying in relaxation mode while playing, haha. I really hope you guys enjoy the video and that it gives you plenty of tingles! I appreciate you! I would like to say thank you so, so much to all of the people who have liked, subscribed and left recommendations, I truly appreciate it! You guys are always making my day! If you have any recommendations please leave them below, thank you! I’m so sorry for any background noise, I’m still trying to figure out how to avoid it. Thank you for bearing with me. :)

Here are some links to petitions: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/13O7yipKHeIF2-QJ_K9IKIdLQAlN8NgEOF62qQjUjEVM/mobilebasic


Twitch: lilytheg https://www.twitch.tv/lilytheg
Instagram: LilyGASMR https://www.instagram.com/lilygasmr/

#relaxation #asmr #minecraft #soundassortment #eartoear #whisper #softspoken #tingles


asmr asmr sounds asmr video build battle Clicking creative ear to ear games gaming just build keyboard sounds minecraft minecraft asmr mouse sounds relaxation relaxing Satisfying soft spoken tingles tingly whisper whispered

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