ASMR | 🍍 Pineapple Triggers 🍍 | Pineapple Marshmallow Eating | Tapping, Scratching, Crinkling

Publicado hace 5 años

Hi my sunshines, hope you enjoy this little themed video! What's your favorite fruit? 🍍 Comment down below! Also, what type of video would you like me to film next? Please let me know, I need some inspiration! Thank you ❣️


ananas asmr asmr eating crinkles crinkling eating eating sounds fast asmr mouth sounds pineapple scratching sticky fingers tapping tingles triggers асмр итинг быстрый асмр звуки рта итинг липкие пальчики мурашки поглаживания постукивания теппинг триггеры шуршания

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