My name is Cleo and I make girlfriend roleplays here on Youtube and Reddit. You can also found me on twitter, instagram and discord. Links are below.
What are girlfriend roleplays? Well these audios are created to make the listener to feel cared for and loved. As if they had someone beside them.
So meet me up in one of my audios and just snuggle up with me and relax.
If you like my content, please subscribe.
Thank you for your visit and enjoy listening.
Art by Renaxo.
You can follow me on:
Twitter: @CleoAsmr
Instagram: misscleoaudio
Reddit: U/MissCleo_Audio
Discord: https://discord.gg/DvfmYaQMuG
Channel design is created by https://twitter.com/oranjiyo_
affirmations anxiety asmr audio boyfriend Breathing cleo comfort couple cuddles experience gf girlfriend kisses MISS positief rain reassurance reverse roleplay rp sick Sleep Aid sleepy sounds taking care