[ASMR] Head to Toe Assessment on Me Part 1 (Real Person Medical Exam Roleplay)

Semide ASMR
Publicado hace 3 años

Angelica performs a head to assessment on me in this real person medical roleplay. The video turned out really long, so I decided to split it between 2 parts 😊

Enjoy and have a wonderful night, morning, day, wherever you are! Love you all 💕 🤗

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I’m very excited to announce that my ASMR content is now available now on Spotify, Apple Music, & more! Check them out!
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3qZvh2fFEJk83lW5Tx7ArH?si=Ise1Ly7cTp6bG03SkQ-o6g
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ca/artist/semidecoco/1545694844
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.ca/artists/B08R1486NC/semidecoco?marketplaceId=A2EUQ1WTGCTBG2&musicTerritory=CA

About Me 👩🏻
My name is Semide! I am a naturopathic medical student from Canada and an ASMRtist. My ASMR videos revolve around conventional and natural medicines as well as massage, cooking and nature. I often feature my family and friends to create "unintentional-like" real person ASMR videos. I also make role play videos and content around PCOS and androgenetic alopecia.

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Time Stamps ⏰
9:52--Skin Check
15:08--Scalp and Hair Check
17:55--Lymph Node Check
19:46--Eye Exam
24:36--Nose Exam
26:19--Throat Exam
29:02--Thyroid Exam


**No-Affiliation Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with or sponsored by any of the brands mentioned or shown in this video.

**Medical Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional. This video is created for relaxation, entertainment and ASMR/tingles inducing purposes only.
For more information about ASMR phenomenon please click here:

This video cannot replace any medication or professional treatment. If you have any health conditions please consult your health-care provider.

#realperson #asmr #asmrmedicalroleplay


asmr asmr head to toe assessment asmr head to toe exam asmr head to toe physical assessment asmr head to toe physical exam asmr medical exam asmr medical exam real person ASMR Medical Role Play asmr medical roleplay asmr physical exam asmr physical exam real person asmr real person exam asmr real person head to toe asmr roleplay Medical ASMR medical asmr head to toe medical asmr roleplay real person asmr semide asmr semidecoco soft spoken medical asmr

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