O.G. Tingles has opened his sidewalk pharmacy to better serve the tingle-droid community.. he will restore lost tingles and help you relax and maybe even sleep... enjoy
0:00 the pharmacy.
1:11 laser pointer.
2:33 bag o' tingles.
5:58 tingle powder. Pill bottle with powder
8:20 thinkin' pad. Foam tapping
9:45 heavy tingles. Tea bag
15:55 subtle plastic crinkles. No description needed
18:02 good ol' packaging material. Bubble wrap
20:26 tingle prescription. Paper crinkles
21:12 a combo. Bubble wrap + paper
23:00 most potent tingle serum. Dropper, fluid
24:55 inaudible.
thnx to "digital_static" for timestamps
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aid amazing asmr best binaural boss comforting crinkle crunching Droid folding Meditation most natural new og origami paper relaxation role play roleplay sleep soft soothing sound sounds spoken tapping tearing Technical therapy tingle-droid tinglebottom tingledroid tingles whisper