[Japanese ASMR] Japanese Trigger Words With Ear Massage & Ear Tapping | Dummy Head Mic 💕

Publicado hace 5 años

Cute and cozy (and aesthetically pleasing 🦄💅🏻💓) truely binaural ear to ear Japanese asmr using Japanese triggers words with ear massage and ear tapping on Pandora the dummy head microphone 🥰 Ear to ear whispering, ear cupping, ear tapping, ear brushing, lotion sounds, face brushing, face tapping sounds 🧡 This asmr is helpful for sleep preparation or stress relief 💓 Also great for anti-anxiety in a difficult time 🤍 I hope you are all doing okay 🌱 I am thinking of you 💜


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I love making these asmr videos for you my beans 💕💓 and so this is something I want to pursue full-time 😌 I would love it so so much if you would like to help me on my journey to full-time creator 🌈 My long term goals for my channel would be to hire an editor 👩🏼💻 and to create more videos per week 🌿 Anything you donate to the channel can make that a reality 💓💕💝
Patrons get exclusive access to our cute Discord Server 😆 Where we can chat from all things life, food, pets, manga / anime etc etc 🥰🥰🥰
So come say hai my precious bean 😍🥰😍 ilyssm ❤️

❣️ My Etsy Store is l i v e 🛍
Stocked with a few kawaii aesthetic t-shirts and pillow covers I think you might like 🥰
Check out my Twitter for regular updates as I will be adding more items in due course 💕

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Please know that your support by watching, commenting, liking and subscribing makes me so happy and helps out me so so much 🙏🏻
But if you would like to make a tip towards this channel, THANK YOU 🥺😍 You is just the sweetest beanbean ever and I love you 🥰
Paypal: [email protected]
(Disclaimer: tips are non-refundable)


My name is Uniy and I grew up in Japan 🇯🇵🍙🍢
ゆにって名前で群馬県育ちの外人です笑 🤣なので日本語OKですよん🍣🍘


📍 Rough time stamps with ear to ear whispering :
0:01 Kosho kosho | face brushing, ear brushing, brushing dummy head mic
1:50 Pon pon | face brushing, ear brushing, brushing dummy head mic
3:38 Hita hita | lotion sounds, ear massage, ear cupping
5:23 Peta peta | lotion sounds, sticky hands sounds, ear massage, ear cupping
7:23 Kuru kuru | ear massage
9:14 Yoshi yoshi | head tapping, tapping dummy head mic
11:07 Mogu mogu | head tapping, ear cupping
13:00 Hara hara | head scratching
15:08 Toko toko | lotion sounds, ear massage
16:41 Teku teku | lotion sounds, ear massage
18:27 Ton ton | lotion sounds, ear massage, ear cupping, ear tapping
20:03 Koro koro | lotion sounds, ear tapping
21:53 Mochi mochi | lotion sounds, ear massage, sticky hands, ear cupping
23:47 Sara sara | face brushing, ear brushing, brushing dummy head mic
25:43 Tsuru tsuru | lotion sounds, ear massage, ear cupping


If you woulds likes to follows me, I has lots of social medias 🤣🥰:
🦄 https://www.instagram.com/the_uniy
🦄 https://www.instagram.com/the_ragdoll_sir_george
🦄 https://www.instagram.com/the_uniy_flatlays (nerdy flatlays)
🦄 https://twitter.com/the_uniy
🦄 https://twitch.tv/the_uniy (watch this space!)
🦄 https://www.goodreads.com/the_uniy
🦄 https://myanimelist.net/profile/the_uniy
🦄 Switch Friend Code: SW-1381-8386-3615
🦄 PS4 ID: the_uniy
🦄 Pokémon Go Friend Code: 9103 0264 0398
🦄 http://flightrising.com/ (dragon breeding game 🐉 user ID: katsa26)


I haves a Vlog Channel (the uniy vlogs) 🍭:
🦄 https://www.youtube.com/c/theuniyvlogs


Equipment used 🎧:
📷 Canon G7X MKII
🎤 Binaural Dummy Head Microphone
🎤 Rode NT1-A Matching Pair Microphones
🎙 Zoom H4N Pro Recorder


Tags 🏷:
#theuniysasmr #japaneseasmr #kawaiiasmr #aestheticasmr


Monbebe for life 🤤 MX will always be 7 🥺


If you has read this far, you is such the bestist mcbeanbean ever 🥰 Leave me three Easter island statue 🗿🗿🗿 in the comments below so I see you 👀 ilyssm 💕💖


asmr dummy head mic asmr Ear Massage Ear Massage ASMR japanese asmr japanese trigger words the uniy asmr the uniys asmr Trigger Words ASMR uniy asmr uniys asmr

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