Bible Reading ASMR ✨ GENESIS ✨ Whispering the Whole Book 📖

Daily Bread ASMR
Publicado hace 2 meses

#christianasmr #bibleasmr #genesis
Y'all, this was hard.

All praise to God for getting me through the filming and the editing. If you enjoy having this as a resource, please consider leaving a like so others can find it more easily.

0:00 - Intro
0:48 - Prayer
2:21 - Ch 1
10:01 - Ch 2
15:48 - Ch 3
22:01 - Ch 4
28:11 - Ch 5
33:41 - Ch 6
38:39 - Ch 7
43:55 - Ch 8
48:52 - Ch 9
54:41 - Ch 10
59:49 - Ch 11
1:05:46 - Ch 12
1:10:23 - Ch 13
1:14:10 - Ch 14
1:19:41 - Ch 15
1:24:04 - Ch 16
1:27:46 - Ch 17
1:33:47 - Ch 18
1:41:24 - Ch 19
1:50:47 - Ch 20
1:55:33 - Ch 21
2:02:34 - Ch 22
2:08:36 - Ch 23
2:13:00 - Ch 24
2:27:32 - Ch 25
2:34:00 - Ch 26
2:41:20 - Ch 27
2:51:15 - Ch 28
2:56:09 -Ch 29
3:03:26 - Ch 30
3:12:08 - Ch 31
3:23:54 - Ch 32
3:30:42 - Ch 33
3:35:04 - Ch 34
3:41:47 - Ch 35
3:47:40 - Ch 36
3:56:29 - Ch 37
4:04:27 - Ch 38
4:11:10 - Ch 39
4:16:21 - Ch 40
4:21:20 - Ch 41
4:33:30 - Ch 42
4:41:33 - Ch 43
4:48:53 - Ch 44
4:55:36 - Ch 45
5:01:56 - Ch 46
5:09:06 - Ch 47
5:16:54 - Ch 48
5:22:30 - Ch 49
5:29:31 - Ch 50

I filmed this across 4 days... did 17 chapters the first day, 11 the second, 7 the third, and 15 on the fourth day. And I chipped my middle finger nail on the third day lol... that was the main give away that I didn't film this all at once, but its still not that noticeable 👌

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2nd ASMR Channel - @simpleasclayasmr

Equipment I Use:
Camera - Canon R6 Mark ii
Lens - 24-105mm RF lens
Microphones - Lewitt LCT 440 Pure
MixPre 3
Thronmax Articulating Mic Arms (2)
Final Cut Pro
Amazon LED Panel Lights
Amazon soft box

📤 Business Contact: [email protected]

DISCLAIMER: If you are a Christian, please note that these videos should not be replacing your personal time with the Lord. Additionally, if whispering and soft-speaking is a stumbling block that produces lust in your heart, then this channel and any other ASMR channel is not for you.


asmr bible asmr bible relaxation christian asmr god asmr

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