My mouth though lol. I was so focussed on the sounds, I didn’t notice how pissed I looked. :D I wasn’t though, I was just reeeeeeally in the zone. lmao
➤ Phone tapping video I mentioned:
➤ More tapping sessions:
3:46 shaving cream can
8:59 phone screen
14:30 hand cream tube
20:34 light up foam stick (??? lol no idea what else to call this)
25:44 little card board box
31:22 sticky plastic pouch
Love the sounds at 10:47 and 14:07! What are your favorite sounds in this video? Let me know in the comments! :)
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anxiety help asmr tapping binaural calming sounds ear to ear ear to ear tapping einschlafhilfe entspannungsvideo fast asmr fast tapping fastASMR insomnia help para dormir relajacion relaxing sounds rhythmic tapping soothing sounds sound assortment tapping assortment tapping on plastic tapping on screen tapping on things tapping sounds video to fall asleep