Hey Rosebuds,
I REALLY hope you all enjoy this video! I have been wanting to try pen noms for so long & finally filmed it!!
I am so sorry if you noticed the low hum in the video, I have no clue if that is one of the rode mics or one of my computers turned on, or might be my cables, i am so sorry about that, to fix it i did flip the video and audio to make it less noticeable. hopefully! but i felt like it was low enough to still edit & post so here it is!
I may have to look into getting a new rode mic or put the rode mics on a pause for a bit because i keep running into audio issues with them!
other than that, i hope you enjoy this video, i am so excited to be posting again and streaming again on twitch! i love you all & hope you have a lovely day/night!! sweet dreams & goodnight!!
Love you all Rosebuds!
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asmr calming happy love positive Rose roseasmr SMILES soft spoken whispering