ASMR Camera & Mic Brushing with Whispered Positive Affirmations

calliope whispers ASMR
Publicado hace 6 años

Greetings & salutations, my loves. Tonight, I'm going to be brushing all over you with some big, thick, fluffy brushes and whispering some positive affirmations for your general relaxation and maybe even induce some sleepiness. I hope y'all enjoy, and I hope y'all have a whale of a day :)

xx Calliope

♦ Triggers in this video include: whispering, mic and camera brushing, positive affirmations, personal attention, & some brief scratching and zipper sounds.

♦ If you feel you wish to donate (but don't ever feel pressured to!):
However I am not currently going to do rewards or perks just due to my schedule, so if you aren't comfortable with donating without a reward, that is just fine :) The best type of support doesn't cost anything – your views, your likes, your subscribes – but if you want to contribute to new equipment/props, I would greatly appreciate it :)

♦ Check me on the socials:
Twitter: @calliopewhisper
Instagram (my personal account, no ASMR content): calliope182

♦ I use the Blue Yeti microphone & a Flip camcorder to record & film ASMR videos!

♦ Like & comment if you enjoyed this video, subscribe if you want to see more!

♦ Thank you for watching, have a whale of a day! :)

#ASMR #brushing #whispering


asmr brushing camera brushing ear to ear for sleep mic brushing personal attention positive affirmations relaxing scratching stereo tingle tingly visual triggers whispering

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