hello :) this christian asmr involves me reading from the Father's love letter. if you've never listened or read it, each phrase i read is like a paraphrase from the bible verses.
enjoy 🕊
x rebeca
🔑t h e f a t h e r' s l o v e l e t t e r o r i g i n a l v e r s i o n:
📌t i m e l i n e
intro: 00:00 - 2:30
God's love letter with no hand movements: 02:31 - 08:06
repeated with hand movements 08:07
#christianasmr #asmr
my fav worship / christian music:
♔ battle belongs by phil wickham
♔ God, You're so good by passion
♔ God of revival by bethel
♔ thank you Jesus
♔ Jirah by elevation worship and maverick city
♔ this is amazing grace by phil wickham
♔ even if by mercyme
a b o u t r e f r e s h i n g a s m r :
love creating christian asmr and regular asmr. being a light for Christ, bringing hope, ministering and relaxation through this cool thing called asmr. occasional mukbangs as well. enjoy ♡
asmr asmr destress asmr for anxiety asmr for christians asmr for meditation asmr for worry asmr hand movements ASMR sleep asmr whispering christian asmr God's love letter godly asmr jesus asmr Love letter from God Love letter from God’s heart Meditation in God’s word ministering asmr religious asmr spiritual asmr