ASMR | Brushing Shaving Cream on Mic🎙👀(+ no talking 🤫)

Ilegna ASMR
Publicado hace 5 años

Hello!! Hii!!
How's it going?!
In Today's Video will be something I have yet done lol, and that would be playing with shaving cream , ON the mic 🙊! Lmao it's a MESS in all sorts of ways 😂. Hope to do a better one another time hah.

Trying to make soothing cloudy sounds while the mic's white, static sounds make an appearance 😪 yee.

P.S. Sorry I've been M.I.A, I've been dealing with some personal things regarding other people. This has been a hard time for friend(s) of mine, and at the end of the day it affects me too. I have been needing to make sure I am there for them, as I need to make sure I am here for you guys as well. I have also been studying like crazy for a very important exam I had (hope I passed cuz boiii 😩 I studied my butt off lol, almost literally!! Hah). So yeah hah

Hope y'all can by pass the lame, annoying Mic sounds in the background, and hopefully enjoy it just a tiny tiny bit at least lol! 💜

Does my Mic/ Camera Quality bother you a bit? Help me change that, lol if you want 😅 by Supporting me down below 🙊?
(eww never thought I would say that 🤧😂).

Anyways, do as you please with them lol. Either way, I just want to thank you, why? Because at least you read my description hah 🖤


👻 Snapchat: ilegnaasmr
📷 Instagram: ilegnaxo
Thank you for watching! Let me know of any Suggestions 🙂! If you enjoyed it, even if it was a tiny tinyy bit, would you mind liking this video, or Idk if you're not subscribed, maybe Subscribing 🙈? You don't have too! Just hope you enjoy(ed) this video & know that I appreciate you!💛
XOXO ~ ilegna


asmr asmr hand movements brushing camera Brushing Shaving cream Calm A hand movements mic brushing relaxing asmr Shaving cream on Hands shaving cream on mic shaving cream sounds Smooth Asmr

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