When you feel disconnected from it all | Context

Publicado hace 7 meses

Testing a different arrangement for the videos, please let me know what you think. This is just the chat, just the context. ASMR style Reiki session to support will go live in a few hours, tonight July 29 EST.

If you'd like to work with this theme right away I have a past video you may enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68sIl4kAChY

If you'd like to support the channel and get access to other catalogs of session Patreon is a great option. Thank you Patreons!!

If you resonate with me as a Reiki teacher my classes are listed below with discount codes. :)

Thank you so much for allowing me to share a little piece of your path tonight. Wishing you nothing but the very best.

All my classes are 15% off with discount codes:

#asmr #reiki #healing


Thank you for all the love. Your comments truly have been a life saver to me lately, really reminding me of all the love and support and connection that exists.

Thank you so much for your support. I really want to move to a quiet area and have a room dedicated to these sessions. :)

Patreon Catalogs https://www.patreon.com/luneinnate
Reiki Classes https://luneinnate.teachable.com
Tip Jar https://www.luneinnate.com/support
Insta https://www.instagram.com/luneinnate
Audio tracks and other offerings https://www.luneinnate.com/shop

Business Inquiries Email: [email protected]


dealing with disconnection feeling disconnected from god feeling disconnected from partner feeling disconnected from self feeling disconnected from spirit feeling disconnected from the world feeling islolated feeling numb feeling overwhelmed

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