WELCOME TO A NEW SLEEP AID MEDICAL VIDEO, , your tender nurse is back with all the soothing calm tender care
patreon page WITH MORE GOWN UP CONTENT AND UNSEEN ON YOUTUBE VICEOS , your support in keeping my channel going is very appreciated
If you would like to hear more OF MY EXPLICIT ASMR OR MY ADULT AUDIO STORIES THERE ARE LINKS IN MY BIO / PROFILE LINKTREE TO MY OTHERE CHANNELS WARE YOU CAN FIND UNSEEN ASMR AND STORIES NOT SEEN ON YOUTUBE , your support is very welcome as i am always needing ne props and costumes ,so thank you
for more MEDICAL videos i have three channels and one is just medical hear is the link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXc4WxAqbxK2UcR1TbGCohA
RELAXING ROLEPLAY AND SLEEP channel hear is my dreamy relaxation channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEdB-dswjmKliZWQgEGgeWQ
#calm #sleep #asmrtingles #asmrpersonalattention #roleplay #sleepaid #soothingrelaxation #medical #asmrmedicalexam #asmrmedicalroleplay #leather #glovesounds #triggers #tingles #asmrsounds #asmrsleep #gloves #roleplay
and for my more explicit ASMR and adult audio stories please use the links in my profile to my link tree ware you can find all my other channels thank you so much for your support
asmr asmrmedicalexam asmrnurs gloves medical medical gloves medical mask Nurse patreon relaxing Sleep Aid soothing tender